Tuesday, November 24, 2009

wita is sleeping.

have you ever sat in front of your laptop and thought you had done a lot of things when seriously, you have not moved closer to even 6.5metres away from your seat for hours.

i don't know bout you but i feel weird.

why am i doing this to myself when i can actually start my car and visit old friends, actually attend an event or even sit and sip coffee with my girlfriends that i am already comfortable with, effortlessly.

tonight i'm gonna sit here and wait for ferrah perryd to show up. not cool.

i wanna watch moulin rouge and cry like somebody just died but i don't wanna show up at work with swollen eyes. in the meantime.i wanna hit somebody so hard, that it hurt and laugh till sore.sad evil and happy at the same time.i tell you human are greedy.damn im a greedy human being.

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