Wednesday, June 17, 2009

salah satu atau salah semua?

lama jugak aku pikir apa nak namakan blog nie. termenung screen sampai mata pun naik runsing. at last aku fikir be honest je lah.sampai bila lagi nak hide in the closet? this is the time.

aku kira 'newbie' bab blog. banyak yang menarik aku baca. pasal travelling, fashion, politic, dan apa - apa jenis -ism dibelakangnya. ada yang sampai aku rasa termasuk dalam otak penulis. tak kisahlah ada yang mengaku drug user, rasa life memang fucked up gile, semua org xfaham. tp pelik, rata - rata tengok semua orang ada kawan kan??semua orang nampak happy?semua cantik dan bijak belaka.hmm.

okay aku ada vision or matlamat utk blog nie. i hope sewaktu aku umur 14 dulu i know where i could turn to wen i juz found out that i was crazily, genuinely fallen in love with this girl. i know that perkataan genuine dah start diverge a lot of minds..but its okay.i had enough. because terlalu memikirkan yang buat aku terus jatuh dan lost dan hampir bunuh diri dulu. tahun 1998 malaysia host sukan commonwealth,anuar kena tangkap dsb sorry aku xtau lagi apa yang berlaku time tu i was caught up with myself.

aku sebenarnya agak terganggu dengan sesetengah tanggapan, bak kata ex girlfriend aku (sekarang nie dah ex, we'll get there soon, stay tune:)) aku nie memang SUKA buat assumption sendiri. but this time i know i must be right at least 35%. don't ask me how i come out with that figure, i have no bloody idea. tapi lebih kurang la kira. aku sesak dengan gambaran a girl loves girl.

story 1:
a girl was born.went to school.met a girl.the girl.butterfly in her stomach.can't concentrate.have to tell her.have to tell gonna die.confused.

story 2:
a girl was born.went to school.had a boyfriend.excellent.received a letter.soulmate.fall for her.fall for her.confused.

my friends, how the word which label these two girls become so branding?

i hate that word. because the way it sounds. because what people would think.

1) 2 girls in nightdress on each other, groping and moaning oh so loudly (xpayah bising pun xpa sebenarnya kan?but suka hatila)

2) or it can be 3,4 or 5 girls at a time milking each other and be rather horny in front of a fridge (woops kantoi) but i've seen it yes.

3) all sex sex it correct to call it sex?no.fantasy.

boleh x continue the next tanggapan in next blog?ngantuk la plak.esok nak keja.haih kehidupan:)

stay stoned.nites.muahs.


  1. the word is a label, which leads people to have certain kind of perceptions (like the ones u've stated)..
    the main reason i find it so hard to come out..
