Sunday, August 9, 2009

and after that

so another version of facebook purple lab is.meeting new PLU, cikeduting girls/butch (cikedut=check it out). after 2 months religiously using purplelab i do log in everytime im connected,found that it is a very interesting place to meet PLU n talk about how did u become one and aftermath. i met new friends there, endless msging about work, music and so on. there is flirting all around and it's a common thing.

but again, when it comes to the root of all, i don't think it will be a big help. unless if you're looking for friends or soulmates. mostly have assured of their identity and okay about it, whether they are out or not. but for those who mysteriously searching for their directions just say it's a dead end.

i believe they have number of people but you may find the same name connected on the board. for example, if you wish to chill and just to search for another it is a recommended place.

cheers.stay stoned.


  1. was reading the "stay stoned" bit at the end of your article and my mind just went "no!" hehe how i was i could say "stay stoned" to my gf and be able to smile at the same time right now :)

  2. hey this is the mild stoned... stoned that doesn't 'hurt' :( haha.hey b or g i'm not sure since u wrote in pink 'And PINK is everything in between'.please bless my new post!!
